15 Mar Lafourche D.A. Announces New & Improved Website Launch
District Attorney Kristine Russell is excited to announce the launch of a new and improved
Lafourche Parish District Attorney’s Office website – www.lpda.org
The new website is part of D.A. Russell’s vision to build better communication methods with our
community partners by the use of technology and social media platforms.
“People have an expectation for those in public office to keep them informed,” said D.A. Russell. “Our website is another step in the right direction for increased communication between our Office and those we serve.”
The new website is user-friendly and easily navigable. On the site you can find general information about our Office, our school programs, additional resources available, the victims’ assistance department, child support options, press releases, and an interactive option to email the Public Information Officer directly from the site.
The Lafourche Parish District Attorney’s office also utilizes Facebook and Twitter as communication platforms, and can be found on both pages by searching @LafourcheDA.